Homemade potato skins are great while watching football or serving at a casual party. There is absolutely no need to deep fry them. As long as the skins are cooked at a high heat, they will be perfectly...
This is a family favorite...spinach, fresh mushrooms, artichokes and cheeses make up a mouth-watering side dish that is creamy and delicious. This recipe has a lot of steps, but it is relatively easy and...
The easiest, yummiest carrots you will ever eat! The recipe is just so quick and easy to make. My husband grew up hating carrots, but he is willing to try anything. When he tasted these, he asked, "What...
I needed to fill some holiday cookies with jam and since raspberries and apricots weren't in season, I opted to use cranberries. This jam is lightly sweetened, fragrant, and has a beautiful color that...
An authentic recipe for Mexican-style beans. Serve moist and hot with your meal, cover with grated Mexican cheese and accompanied by pickled jalapeno peppers.
This recipe is so quick, easy, and versatile, you may never purchase bottled dressing again. A variety of herbs and spices can be added to suit your personal taste.
This deliciously creamy herb sauce is so simple to make using a microwave, but if you do not have one, place your bowl over a pan of simmering water to heat it gently. Excellent German recipe for Bernaise...
A light and creamy sauce with puree of roasted red peppers as the base. It is excellent on any type of pasta, but tortellini or ravioli seems to be the best match. The prep time is rather long, but the...
A flavorful homemade recipe for those who are tired of sweet pasta sauces. Serve over your favorite pasta with a tossed green salad and crusty garlic bread.
Roma tomatoes and garlic are oven roasted and caramelized to give your pasta a deep, rich flavor. Roasting the tomatoes really draws out the sweet flavor, which mixes so well with the roasted garlic.
This is a very basic brine recipe for preparing meats and fish for smoking. Add any personal taste preferences to the brine for additional flavor enhancement. I like to add white wine, soy sauce, and various...
Asparagus is so good in the spring, and sometimes, you can find the really thick spears, like I did. This lovely side dish is ready in just a few minutes to enhance a weeknight dinner, or maybe something...
These are a nice change from regular pancakes. They make a great dinner meal when served with bratwurst sausage. I spread mine with cranberry sauce and top with maple syrup.
Top your crab, shrimp, lobster, salmon dishes, or seafood po' boy sandwiches with this wonderful cold sauce that has its origins in France and was then popularized in New Orleans.
Good ole country collard greens with bacon and onion. These are so hearty and satisfying, even those who say "I don't like greens" will eat these up! You might even get a "Wow!" after the first bite and...
This is a sweet chili sauce made according to an old family recipe. It is great on hamburgers, and pot roast. If you don't can the sauce in jars, it can be refrigerated.